Thursday, January 5, 2012

Making Holiday Cookies

During the week before winter break, the Basic class was busy making holiday cookies.

On Monday, they watched a video about making cookies and learned all the names for the ingredients and measurements.

On Tuesday, they mixed up the dough.

At first, some are dubious that cookie dough will ever taste good

Who needs a Kitchen Aid?

Eh Ka Nyaw and Thin Than work together to get the dough mixed up

Absolutely perfect

What a workout!

On Wednesday, they rolled out the dough, cut out the cookies, and baked the cookies.

Nyo Nyo, Kyaw Po and Cuong cut out flawless cookies

Three good friends: Dung is from Vietnam, Maricela is from Guatemala, and Damanti is from Bhutan.

Cathy demonstrates the art of cookie cutting

Mue Leh, Moo Ko Paw, and Lay Lay Moo cut out cookies as a team

On Thursday, they mixed up frosting and decorated the cookies.  Some of the cookies went to our friends at Arlington Hills Lutheran Church.  The rest of the cookies went home for families.

Pu Day adds red food coloring

This group is a cookie-decorating factory!

Tey Moo puts many colors on his cookies

Maria shows off one of her beautiful cookies

Getting the cookie plates ready to deliver

Sarah, Naw Boh, and Jen pause for a picture with a pile-o-cookies!

The entire class sings "Jingle Bells" as they deliver the cookies to the office and to Mr. Jim
After the class finished decorating and delivering the cookies, they worked with Jen to write a class story about their experience.

"Yesterday we made cookies.  Today, we decorated cookies.  We quickly mixed powdered sugar, water, and food coloring.  Sa Ki Na made yellow frosting.  Eh Ka Naw made green colored sugar.  We put the frosting and colored sugar on the cookies.  We were happy.  We washed our hands, the bowls and the tables.  We put the cookies on the plate.  We put plastic over the cookies.  We wrote Happy Holidays on the plastic.  We sang the Jingle Bells song.  We gave the cookies to Mr. Jim and to the office.  We said Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"

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